The monthly traffic feature, that’s sometimes also identified as bandwidth or information transfer, identifies the full volume of info that can be uploaded to your cloud web hosting account and downloaded from it each month. The website traffic is generated mainly by website visits - each time somebody comes across your site, the web pages they view are downloaded from your web hosting server to his / her computer or smartphone and they're shown by the internet browser. What counts towards the website traffic generated is the overall size of these webpages, thus the more website visitors you get for a period of time, the more website traffic will be produced. In addition to the site visits, file uploads are also counted towards the entire monthly transfer this means that whenever you upload website content or any other files by using a file manager or an FTP software, they will also generate some traffic. The counter resets on the first day of every month and it is not related to the date you've subscribed or the date you've renewed the website hosting package.

Monthly Traffic in Cloud Web Hosting

All our cloud web hosting are suitable for any kind of small to medium-sized website or even a larger variety of web sites. Considering that you can host a number of domains from one account, we have designed the packages in such a way so as to provide you with all functions you may need. Regardless if you have a private portfolio website or an e-commerce web site, the monthly website traffic quota that your website can use won't be a setback. Thus, you'll have the option to expand your web presence and obtain plenty of new website visitors without having to worry about getting to a limit. The Hepsia hosting Control Panel provides you with elaborate data for the traffic usage to and from your account, which will allow you to manage all of your web sites and the account better. You'll be able to check monthly, daily and hourly statistics, the website traffic generated by each individual domain and by the account as a whole, the most often downloaded files, etc.

Monthly Traffic in Semi-dedicated Servers

All of our semi-dedicated server plans are quite powerful and you can operate a number of web sites from one account. The monthly website traffic feature matches that power, therefore what you will receive is a hosting account with truly unrestricted information transfer. Due to this fact, your sites can grow as much as it is possible with this type of web hosting and you can receive as many website visitors as you wish. For enhanced website and account administration, you can check out how much traffic each of your web sites generates, but we won't ever place a limit. To save you time, you can view monthly, daily and hourly statistics and the individual pages that are visited the most, or the most downloaded files. With our semi-dedicated hosting plans, you'll never concern yourself with reaching a traffic limit so that you are able to concentrate on upgrading your websites and having more visitors.

Monthly Traffic in VPS Servers

The monthly traffic quota for our VPS servers is proportional to the rest of the server’s resources. If you aquire a more powerful server, it is more likely that you'll operate a popular website or even a number of sites, hence you will have much more visitors. Because of this, the greater package you order, the higher monthly website traffic quota you'll get. We will notify you whenever you reach 90% of that amount, so that you will have sufficient time to take some action and either upgrade the plan or optimize your websites and decrease the website traffic that they generate before the counter resets the following month. If you decide to update, you can do so through the billing Control Panel and with no more than a few mouse-clicks. You'll also be able to view how much site traffic your server has already generated and the amount that is left until you reach the monthly restriction. This information is available in the VPS administration panel where you're also able to restart your server and check out the use of all the other resources for instance disk space, CPU load and physical memory usage.

Monthly Traffic in Dedicated Servers

Using a dedicated server, you will have an extremely powerful website hosting tool at your disposal and the site traffic allowance that you will get matches all of the other characteristics. The server will be able to produce terabytes of traffic every month, thus irrespective of the kind or number of websites that you host, you will never have to worry about them being not available because of inadequate site traffic. To be on the safe side however, we will give you the opportunity to update this feature if required. We will notify you well in advance if you get close to the restriction, so that you will have the time to update or reduce your website traffic by optimizing your content in order to avoid any disruption of the work of your web sites. You'll be able to view the consumed and remaining site traffic for the present month through the management panel that we supply. The information there features all the incoming & outgoing transfers, which includes software setups and updates. In comparison, a hosting Control Panel can offer more detailed info, but only for the traffic to and from a hosting account, not the server as a whole.